Christopher Columbus

Christopher ColumbusChristopher Columbus- Genoan Navigator (1451-1506)

Navigator Christopher Columbus was convinced of the existence of a westward sea route to the Spice Islands of the East Indies and spent 10 years seeking backing for an Atlantic voyage. He prevailed upon the Spanish court of Ferdinand and Isabella and under their flag reached Hispaniola in 1492; three more voyages took him to other Caribbean islands and South America. Despite his renown, the “discoverer” of the Americas died disappointed and disillusioned by his lack of reward from the Spanish crown.


Christopher Columbus Handwriting

Christopher Columbus handwriting

Christopher Columbus Personality overview according to the handwriting analysis report
This handwriting sample-may have been written at a time of stressor perhaps illness, as Columbus’s basic writing movement mixes a good distribution of pressure and apparent speed with tremor in some strokes and a convex baseline. Add the upward diagonal movement and intermittent bursts of energy, enthusiasm, and initiative can be seen, mixed with doubt and discouragement.

Christopher Columbus Relationships
The writing shows confidence, with its proportionate capital letters and simplification of form. Columbus’s persuasiveness can also be seen in the thready forms, which creep in among the firmer arcades and a few angles. Close word spacing suggests someone who welcomed the company of others, but the changeable slant, size, and baseline are indicators of moodiness, which probably made him difficult to get along with.

Christopher Columbus Intellectual forces
The strong movement into the upper zone is evidence of Columbus’s exploratory interests and curiosity
about discovering new worlds, even if only intellectually. Of course, he went well beyond intellectual discovery, and the long forays into the lower zone indicate that he had what it took to turn his dreams into reality.

Christopher Columbus Physical drives
The pressure appears to fluctuate, but the overall pattern of light and dark strokes is well distributed, indicating a balance between the control and release of emotions. The writing seems to have a nervous energy, a sense of impatience to be on the move. The baseline moves upward then falls down, which is a sign of someone whose enthusiasm waxed and waned.

Christopher Columbus Motivating forces
Columbus had strong aspirations, seen particularly in the movement into the upper zone and to the right. The wide upper loops are containers for his imagination and openness to new undertakings, and show that he was willing to venture into unfamiliar territory. The buoyant quality of the writing suggests one who was enchanted more by possibilities than by what actually existed.

Source: Handwriting of the Famous and infamous by Sheila Lowe

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Mother Teresa

Mother TeresaMother Teresa – Missionary (1910-1997)

Ibanian-born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu went to Ireland to join the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary when she was just 18. It was here she took the name Teresa, for Little Teresa of Lisieux. Six weeks later the young nun traveled to India, initially as a teacher but later requesting permission to work with the poor in the slums of Calcutta. After studying nursing, Mother Teresa moved into the slums and founded the Order of the Missionaries of Charity in 1948. Numerous centers were opened by the order to help the blind, lepers, cripples, and the dying. Mother Teresa received the Nobel peace prize in 1979 for her work.

Mother Teresa Handwriting

Mother Teresa handwriting

Mother Teresa Personality overview according to the handwriting analysis report
Mother Teresa’s handwriting reveals warmth and compassion. The large writing size may partly have been a result of her poor eyesight, but the well-shaped, round forms and pastose (thick) strokes attest to a fullness of feeling and a sense of fun. The writing tends to move uphill, despite dipping down at the ends of some lines, which suggests an innate optimism in the face of difficulty. She knew how to use her sense of humor in order to get what was needed.

Mother Teresa Relationships
This is someone who enjoyed the public eye and was at her best when able to use her cleverness—seen in the unique forms and horizontal movement—to achieve her goals. The round, full letters are a sign of a strongly emotional nature, one who cared deeply about people and shared their feelings. Some middle-zone letters are wider than they are tall, indicating that she sometimes took on more than was reasonable.

Mother Teresa Intellectual forces
Advanced age is suggested by the shakiness in some strokes, but Mother Teresa was bright and intelligent. The emphasis is on the middle zone, so people and the social parts of life were
more appealing to her. Nonetheless, the upper zone is tall and wide enough to allow for innovative thinking.

Mother Teresa Physical drives
De-emphasis on the lower zone is common in people who have chosen a religious life. Their focus is less on the physical and more on spirituality. This can be seen in a very tall upper zone or, as in Mother Teresa’s script, in an emphasis on the middle zone of practical, day-to-day activities. The self-discipline evident in the strong t-crosses, combined with the solid, dark strokes, indicates strength of purpose in one who was willing to work long and hard to attain her objectives.

Mother Teresa Motivating forces
Mother Teresa had great determination and an ability to seek out the material necessities that made life easier for those to whom she ministered. Witness the hooks at the ends of words and final strokes plunging into the lower zone. Although she was not without conflict, seen in the variable slant, her chief motivation was love, manifest in the large, rounded forms and firm rightward movement.

Source: Handwriting Analysts International ( DVSS Manikant

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Hillary Clinton

Hillary ClintonHillary Clinton – American First Lady, Senator (1947- )

Mary Rodham Clinton became involved in politics at a young age, and headed a chapter of the Young Republicans while attending Wellesley College in the 1960s. She later switched her allegiance to the Democratic Party and went on to study law at Yale, where she became a champion for children’s rights. She was twice named one of the nation’s top 100 most influential lawyers. As First Lady, Hillary Clinton often found herself the subject of controversy and, like Eleanor Roosevelt, was loved and hated with equal fervor. In 2000 she was elected to the Senate. In 2008, she campaigned to become Democrat candidate for president.

Hillary Clinton Handwriting

Hillary Clinton handwriting

Hillary Clinton Personality overview according to the handwriting analysis report
Hillary Clinton’s handwriting is simplified and rhythmic, denoting a manner that is both forthright and candid, although not without charm. The generally linear style is softened with enough curves to allow for sensitivity in dealing with others. All nonessential strokes have been cut away, leaving only what is necessary for understanding and direct communication. This no-frills type of writing means that you can count on her to say what she means and to mean what she says. She does not have the patience for anything less.

Hillary Clinton Relationships
Highly independent, Clinton does not like feeling hemmed in. She insists on making her own choices and decisions, and must be at least an equal partner in any relationship. The connective form she uses is a mixture of garlands and threads, so she can be diplomatic when she needs to be. However, the short endings on many words, plus abrupt breaks within words, indicate that there are times when diplomacy is not in her vocabulary.

Hillary Clinton Intellectual forces
A simplified writing style is a major characteristic of someone interested in the theoretical, abstract world of ideas,
someone who is open to alternative concepts. The quick th connection reflects resourcefulness in one who is good at coming up with new ways of doing things. The lower zone is developed well enough to indicate that she also has the capacity to put those concepts to work in practical ways.

Hillary Clinton Physical drives
The writing is lively and brisk in its movement, showing stamina and endurance. The zonal balance and blunt down strokes in the lower zone reflect someone who has learned to use her energy wisely. Hillary Clinton crosses her f’s mid-stem and the crosses are longer than the copybook model prescribes. This denotes a person who is practical in the goals she sets, and that her energy is adequate for what she wants to accomplish.

Hillary Clinton Motivating forces
Hillary Clinton’s handwriting has an open, airy appearance, which is often seen in highly progressive individuals. She is driven to make improvements in her environment and in the world more generally. In fact, with her original letter forms, it would be impossible for her not to innovate and continually seek out ways in which to do things better.

Source: Handwriting of the Famous and infamous by Sheila Lowe

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Bill Clinton

Bill ClintonBill Clinton 42nd U.S. President (1946- )
William Jefferson Clinton was inspired to enter politics when, as a delegate to Boy’s Nation, he met John F. Kennedy. Born in Arkansas, he served several terms as governor there before twice being elected president of the United States in 1993 and 1997. His focus during his presidency was to boost the standard of living for low- and middle-income families, reduce the deficit, create a trade agreement with Mexico, and to control the purchase of guns. Bill Clinton probably survived more scandals than any other American leader over the course of his administration.


Bill Clinton Handwriting

Bill Clinton handwriting

Bill Clinton Personality overview according to the handwriting analysis report
Bill Clinton’s handwriting is a mixture of curves and angles: the angles give strength to the curves and the curves soften the angles. Thus, he is an emotional person who feels things deeply, someone who will go to some lengths to create a consensus. Yet, when he strongly believes in something he has the capacity to stand firm in his viewpoint. The overall picture of space is compact, indicating a strong need for social contact and genuine caring for the welfare of others.

Bill Clinton Relationships
Rounded writing is generally seen as a more feminine quality. When it appears in a man’s script it is interpreted as emotional softness, an indicator of one whose heart is easily touched. It can be seen that Clinton both laughs and cries easily and is not ashamed to show his feelings. Another aspect of the round forms exemplified by this handwriting sample is a need for physical contact. He is someone who touches others frequently, and enjoys hugging and holding them close. Triangles in the lower zone hint at subconscious aggression toward women, but since the angles are not sharp in this case, this aggression is expressed indirectly.

Bill Clinton Intellectual forces
The upper zone is not well developed, which certainly does not point to a lack of intellect in this case. Instead it shows that Clinton has a greater interest in concrete, day-to-day activities and the application of ideas, rather than in spending a lot of time philosophizing.

Bill Clinton Physical drives
The middle and lower zones are accentuated at the expense of the upper zone, revealing an active person who feels compelled to get involved in whatever is going on around him. The crowded nature of the spatial arrangement tells us that Clinton wants to cram as much as possible into each day. The lower zone returns to the baseline, so he usually completes what he starts.

Bill Clinton Motivating forces
Clinton’s predominantly rounded writing style suggests that his most important motivation is the need to help and serve others. Failing in this would leave him feeling useless and miserable. He needs to know that he has made a difference. The capital B in his signature, which is larger than his surname initial, demonstrates a desire for others to think of him as “Bill,” more than “Mr. Clinton.”

Source: Handwriting of the Famous and infamous by Sheila Lowe

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Charlie Chaplin

Charlie ChaplinCharlie Chaplin – English-born Actor (1889-1977)

The son of music-hall performers from London, Charlie Chaplin moved to the United States in 1910 as part of a music-hall troupe. Entering the fledgling movie business four years later, Chaplin found fame with his portrayal of such sympathetic characters as “the tramp.” He received a special Oscar at the first Academy Awards ceremony in / 929, since when his profound influence on filmmaking has become increasingly apparent. Chaplin married four times and saw more than one scandal along the way. After a long and distinguished career, he made his final film in 1966 and was knighted in 1975.

Charlie Chaplin Handwriting

Charlie Chaplin handwriting

Charlie Chaplin Personality overview according to the handwriting analysis report
The emphasis in Chaplin’s handwriting is the forceful movement to the right. The many angular formations generally indicate a high degree of tension in the personality. However, since the sample was written in 1967, when he was at an advanced age, health problems may have affected his muscular coordination. Assuming reasonably good health, the angles, heavy pressured f-bars, and contraction in the writing point to a hard-driving, dynamic character who would not give up until he had accomplished what he set out to do.

Charlie Chaplin Relationships
Chaplin’s right-slanted writing reveals an emotional nature. The spaces between words are quite variable, sometimes quite close and at other times wide, an indication of social variability. This means he might have needed closeness and intimacy one moment, then would suddenly demand his own space. Another aspect of the high degree of angles in the sample is that Chaplin could be demanding. An emotionally responsive person, he also, the angles show, made an effort to contain his impulses. In high-stress situations, however, his self-control might have crumbled.

Charlie Chaplin Intellectual forces
There is a lot of activity in the upper zone, where the f-bars are heavy and long and the /-dots are formed like little tents and dashes. This indicates that Chaplin not only had many exciting ideas, but also knew how to get them put into practice by directing others to do his bidding.

Charlie Chaplin Physical drives
The angles and heavy horizontal pressure, along with the emphasis on movement, are all hallmarks of dynamic energy. Chaplin had the stamina to get through a long day of work and still keep on going. The lower-zone width is mixed. Excitement and action were high priorities for him, and the straight initial strokes on many words provide a springboard into activity.

Charlie Chaplin Motivating forces
Chaplin’s emphatic left-to-right movement in the high, upward pointed f-crosses attest to his need to achieve. We could interpret this as characteristic of a person who aims high. The capital letters are in good proportion to the middle-zone height, indicating that his personal accomplishments provided a sense of pride, but he also stayed balanced in his need for the approval of others.

Source: Handwriting of the Famous and infamous by Sheila Lowe

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Andrew Carnegie

Andrew CarnegieAndrew Carnegie Industrialist, Philanthropist (1835-1919)

Andrew Carnegie was born into a working-class family in Scotland and after the family emigrated to the United States in 1848, went to work in a textile mill as a bobbin boy Here, his excellent penmanship soon earned him a promotion to a clerical position and later to a post at the Pennsylvania Railroad. During this time he undertook a number of shrewd investments, and went on to lead the expansion of the American steel industry, eventually becoming known as the richest man in the world. One of the most respected philanthropists of the time, he died August 11, 1919.

Andrew Carnegie Handwriting

Andrew Carnegie handwriting

Andrew Carnegie Personality overview according to the handwriting analysis report

A strong characteristic of Carnegie’s handwriting is its high degree of regularity, indicating the development of self-discipline. He maintained consistent size in the height and width of the middle zone, which takes concentration and an ability to regulate the movement. A very strong right slant in many upstrokes points to a person of swift emotional responses, but the regularity of movement indicates the control needed for him to think twice before acting.

Andrew Carnegie Relationships
The upper zone is disproportionately tall in relation to the middle zone, revealing a strong sense of responsibility within a rather authoritarian personality. In other words, Carnegie was better at giving orders than taking them. The combination of strong angles and deep garlands show someone who could be firm but caring. The angles lend strength to the garlands, but the garlands soften the angles.

Andrew Carnegie Intellectual forces
Carnegie was willing to explore a variety of new concepts and ideas and the upper-zone emphasis shows he put energy into philosophical thought. The movement reaches upward as if seeking answers, and is often seen in the handwriting of very religious people. The smooth breaks within words suggest that he was open to his intuition and might have been willing, occasionally, to go with his instincts. Yet the sharpness of the strokes make the writing seem chiseled, or in relief, a feature of a judgmental person who sees things in black or white.

Andrew Carnegie Physical drives
The pressure appears to be fairly light, suggesting that Carnegie’s willpower might have been stronger than his stamina. He could get things done by directing others, as seen in the long f-bars, lack of margins, and the inexor¬able rightward movement of the sample.

Andrew Carnegie Motivating forces
Carnegie was motivated by pride in his accomplishments, as evidenced by the large capitals and tall upper-zone letters. His signature is clear and similar to the body of writing. This shows a direct, candid character whose self-confidence and assertiveness brought him success. The pleasing arrangement of space indicates the ability to keep a clear perspective in order to make practical judgments and decisions.

Source: Handwriting of the Famous and infamous by Sheila Lowe

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George W. Bush Jr.

George W. Bush Jr.
43rd U.S. President (1946-)

George W. Bush Jr
George Walker Bush Jr. received a bachelor’s degree at Yale and an MBA at Harvard, and served as a pilot in the Air National Guard.

During his career in the oil and gas industry, Bush earned a reputation as a heavy drinker and was responsible for numerous business failures. Later he worked on his father’s presidential campaign and became managing partner of the Texas Rangers baseball club. He gave up drink and turned his life around.

He was twice elected governor of Texas. Then, in 2000, his brand of “compassionate conservatism” saw him win a disputed presidential election.



George W. Bush Jr. Handwriting

George W. Bush Jr. Handwriting

George W. Bush Jr. Personality overview as per his handwriting analysis report

Bush’s handwriting is fast and highly simplified in a fairly organized writing field. There is some extravagance, as seen in the wide margins and extra-wide word spacing. Also, many indefinite forms lead to illegibility. While his intelligence is obvious, this is someone who takes the easy route wherever possible, rushing ahead without fully considering the outcome. The tall upper loops signify pride in his achievements, yet, interestingly, his personal pronoun, /, is incomplete. The lower loop, representing the father figure, is missing, so Bush does not feel his father was there for him as he was growing up.

George W. Bush Jr.Relationships

There is an affable, congenial flow in the thready forms and rightward slant. However, the wide spaces between words and the illegibility tell another story. Bush keeps much to himself and reveals little of his personal side. The signature is quite illegible (as well as being very similar to his father’s), which indicates a need for privacy.

George W. Bush Jr. Intellectual forces
The simplified forms reveal two things— an ability to strip away extraneous details and get down to basics, and a
dislike for detail. Many letters fade out as Bush hurries to get his message down, and there are numerous breaks at inappropriate places. Thoughts are rushing into his head faster than he can express them, and he is too impatient to take the time to clearly explain what he means. He goes with his gut reactions.

George W. Bush Jr. Physical drives
Although the lower-zone forms are somewhat variable, the long length and moderate width suggest strong drives and ambitions. The restless quality of the sample reflects a need for action and adventure, while the baseline is somewhat wavy, making adaptability an important key to Bush’s success. The changeable writing form, from writing to printing and back again, is indicative of potential difficulties he might have in dealing with high-stress situations.

George W. Bush Jr. Motivating forces
The excessively large capital letters in his signature show Bush’s “larger-than-life” self image. He sees himself as a star, yet when we look at the body of the writing there is not a great deal of dynamic energy. Some f-crosses are strong, while others are rather weak. This shows fluctuations in his goal-directedness.

Source: Handwriting of the Famous and infamous by Sheila Lowe

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Ted Bundy

Ted Bundy
American Serial Killer (1946-1989)

Ted Bundy, ted bundy serial killer
Ted Bundy, who was born in Vermont, grew up thinking his mother was his sister, a pretense created by her family so she could avoid the shame of being an unmarried mother. Good-looking, intelligent, and charismatic, Bundy worked on a suicide hotline, studied psychology, and went to law school. However, from around the end of 1973 Bundy had a secret life: he stalked and murdered at least 30 young women in a variety of horrific ways. Eventually one of his intended victims got away and later identified him. Bundy blamed pornography for his crimes and was executed in the electric chair.



Ted Bundy Handwriting

Ted Bundy handwriting

Ted Bundy Personality overview as per his handwriting analysis report

The first aspect of Bundy’s handwriting to catch the eye is the excessively long, rigid, hooked initial strokes, called harpoons, which begin in the lower zone. Although they occur everywhere, they are prominent on the left margin, denoting anger and resentment toward past events. The slack, disturbed rhythm, which is often a feature of a criminal’s handwriting, signifies a poorly integrated personality. The crowded spatial arrangement of the sample is also indicative of Bundy’s inability to keep a clear perspective on his life and to understand what was appropriate behavior in any given situation.

Ted Bundy Relationships

The changeable word spacing and variable middle-zone widths show inconsistency in interactions with others. The harpoons, coming from the lower zone where they do not belong, suggest holding on to past slights, be they real or imagined. These harpoons are hidden at first, then shoot up angrily into the middle zone. The many tremulous lower zone strokes reveal Bundy’s discomfort in this area of sexual activity. In addition, the overblown personal pronoun, I, has a heavy emphasis on the mother area of the upper loop, so his view of women was not only unrealistic, but had no father figure to balance it. This skewed view of men and women had to impact his personal relationships.

Ted Bundy Intellectual forces
The upper zone is retraced, denoting a narrow outlook. For Bundy there was no room for anything different or new, this view being supported by the initial strokes beginning in the lower zone, which symbolizes the past. He was stuck with what he learned early on in life and was too insecure to broaden his outlook.

Ted Bundy Physical drives
The long, full lower zone indicates strong drives, yet the rhythm of movement is slack. That is, Bundy had plenty of energy that needed an outlet, but he did not have the drive to do anything consistently positive with it.

Ted Bundy Motivating forces
The crowded picture of space, large personal pronoun, and rigid initial strokes suggest a need for power and control. There is not the kind of elastic rhythm that attests to positive energy and willingness to work hard for what he wanted, so Bundy would take control in whatever way was easiest for him at that moment.

Source: Handwriting of the Famous and infamous by Sheila Lowe

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Jane Austen

Jane Austen
English Novelist (1775-1817)

Jane austin writing

Jane Austen was born in Hampshire, England, the seventh of eight children. Her father was a scholarly man who encouraged learning his children, while her mother was well known for her wit and stories. Austen began writing around 1787 and over the next five years filled three manuscript notebooks with her stories and prose. Her first novel, Sense and Sensibility, was published anonymously in 1811, followed two years later by Pride and Prejudice. The works were well received, and were highly favored by then Prince Regent (later George IV). Austen is often credited with having given the novel its modern character, dealing as she did with ordinary people and their inner lives



Handwriting of Jane Austen

Jane austen writing


Personality overview of Jane Austen

The large, round’middle-zone writing that can usually be seen in modern young women of Austen’s time is missing. In its place we find a well-organized writing with a focus on movement, with narrow margins, a strong right slant, and long lower zone. At the time of writing Austen was probably an active young woman, easily bored, whose interests encompassed a wide range.

Jane Austen Relationships

The writing has expanded spaces between letters, but the letters themselves are narrow, which suggests that Austen was a bit shy. Nonetheless, underneath that calm, pleasant demeanor was the lively, fun-loving spirit of someone whose restlessness could soon turn into frustration without the right outlet. The right slant and high degree of connectedness between letters shows that she was a good friend who could be counted on for a listening ear when it was needed.

Intellectual forces of Jane Austen

Austen had a quick wit, as seen in the long f-crosses, tall upper zone, and missing initial strokes. She had an intellectual bent, and would thoroughly investigate anything that caught her fancy. She adopted the Greek d, which is often referred to as the poet’s d, and is viewed as a sign of one who is good at writing—no surprise in this instanc*

Physical drives as visible in Jane Austen writing

Emotional and affectionate, Austen’s pastose writing shows a love for nat and all things beautiful. With the e> long lower zone we can be sure that kept many irons in the fire, was alvva active and ready for adventure. For same reason, her judgments would tend to be based on instinct, but since the upper zone is also well developed, >’ would be able to balance her gut reactions with principle.

Jane Austen Motivating forces
The tall, narrow upper zone, well-formed capital letters, and thick strc indicate someone who derived a ser of honor from the values that she learned from her parents. She had a strong conscience and, committed to seeing beauty and good in others, would be willing to make great sacrifices for what she believed in.

Source: Handwriting of the Famous and infamous by Sheila Lowe

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Are you romantically compatible?

handwriting analysis compatibility

ROMANCE – Are you blinded by LOVE?

The early days of a romance are undoubtedly the best – chemistry and hormones are hard at work and the excitement is exhilarating. High on flattery and euphoric in the good fortune of attracting such a wonderful person – you’re in LOVE. Love is nature’s way of seducing us into reproduction! In lucid moments, we ask our friends, “What do you think about him/her?” Unfortunately, is often punctuated with “Isn’t he/she wonderful?” You need a completely objective opinion.

It used to be that the partner of your dreams lived nearby – you knew their family, their other friends and most importantly, you knew the person before falling for them romantically. These days, it is much more likely that you will meet your new partner at your workplace or while socializing. There is no way to judge someone’s temperament when they are on their best behavior in a social setting.

It may be months before their true character emerges – will it be too late? Will you already be in love and blind to their character flaws? Will your new partner be so love with you that he/she is unwilling to end the relationship?

How do you normally learn about the person you are attracted to? Talk to them? Use your intuition? Observe them and gage their reaction to you? Yes! Unfortunately you may be under the influence of love and incapable of seeing
the truth!

The best way to learn the truth about someone’s personality is to have their handwriting analyzed. By studying the way somebody writes you can tell what kind of personality they have, their characteristics and potential for being
a reliable and loving romantic partner.

Just as it is possible to hide your real self in a social setting, it is impossible to significantly alter the way you write. Handwriting is as much part of your identity as your fingerprints. So before becoming too involved why not have his/her handwriting analyzed by a professional handwriting expert. With the help of handwriting analysis, you can have that all-important objective insight into your beloved’s personality, allowing you to relax and enjoy being in love.

Compatability report for Prince Charles & Princess Diana.

diana frances   charles diana
In a lot of ways they were very different. They both felt emotional experiences deeply but faced with emotional situations Prince Charles being very reserved suppressed his feelings. Princess Diana changed back and forth, between keeping her feelings in and letting them out. Princess Diana was generous to her friends and Prince Charles is fairly thrifty.

Prince Charles is a sharp, critical thinker whereas Diana took her time building one fact upon another before reaching a conclusion. Prince Charles has the ability to concentrate, this is not indicated for Diana. Prince Charles is strong in logic but short on intuition, whereas, Diana was intuitive and inventive.

One thing they did have in common was their underestimation of their abilities and sometimes set their goals where they could reach them quickly and safely. Diana was very outgoing and liked to do things her own way, but Charles was not and selected his friends carefully. Unfortunately, they did not learn to tolerate their strengths and weaknesses and therefore it worked against them

Watch this space for More … about the handwriting and relationship of Prince Charles and Princess Diana.

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